Seika Notetaker Release Notes਍ഀ Copyright (C) 2019 Tsinghua Univ.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ ---------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v2.1 - January 16, 2019਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 2.1਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------------਍ഀ 1. Fix bug of beep when the power less then 15%.਍ഀ 2. Fix bug of the cursor selection.਍ഀ 3. Fixed other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ ---------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v2.0 - December 18, 2018਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 2.0਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add Russian version in CS3.਍ഀ 2. Supports moer U-Disks.਍ഀ 3. Add more voice prompt in TW version.਍ഀ 4. Supports FA version.਍ഀ 5. Fixed other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.040beta1 - September 6, 2018਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.040beta1਍ഀ ------------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add Polish.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ ---------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.039 - May 22, 2018਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.039਍ഀ --------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ --------------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add CS2 for CN, TW and HK.਍ഀ 2. Remove CS1, all country should use the normal .bin firmware excepts CN, TW, HK and VI.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ 1. Fixed bug of beep when plug USB cable for charge.਍ഀ 2. Fixed other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ -------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.038 - April 17, 2017਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.038਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add pro1 version of all country version.਍ഀ 2. Add auto speech in Chinese version.਍ഀ 3. Add special version of Vietnamese.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Fixed bug when transport file with the TransFile application.਍ഀ 2. Fixed bug of power manager.਍ഀ 3. Fixed bug when input with dot1~dot8.਍ഀ 4. The Device will sleep after 12 hours if the power is not close automatically.਍ഀ 5. Fixed other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.037 - Sept. 9, 2016਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.037਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add pro1 version of Japanese version.਍ഀ 2. Add new function keys in voice version:਍ഀ space+enter+g or space+enter+dots1245: auto speech English texts.਍ഀ space+RJ_Right: auto speech Chinese texts.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Fixed bug when check the version string.਍ഀ 2. Fixed bug when transport file with the TransFile application.਍ഀ 3. Fixed other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.037beta26-CS1 - August 12, 2016਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.037beta26-CS1਍ഀ -----------------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ 1. Support read utf-8 and unicode version of text in Farsi version.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Fixed bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.037beta22 - April 28, 2016਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.037beta22਍ഀ -------------------਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Modify hint and data format when display file name for French version.਍ഀ 2. Fixed bug of display when use backspace in notepad.਍ഀ 3. Fixed other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.037beta18-CS1 - March 25, 2016਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.037beta18-CS1਍ഀ -----------------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add Farsi version.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Fixed other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.037beta16 - March 15, 2016਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.037beta16਍ഀ -------------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Fixed bug when cut file to folder.਍ഀ 2. Fixed bugs of speech version of Seika Device.਍ഀ 3. Fixed other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.037beta9 - Febr. 3, 2016਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.037beta9਍ഀ ------------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Modify the hint of Swedish.਍ഀ 2. Modify the display of date in Italy version.਍ഀ 3. Modify the bug of user settings.਍ഀ 4. Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.037beta5-CS1 - Janu. 8, 2016਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.037beta5਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add support for Swedish.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.036 - Octo. 27, 2015਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.036਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add encryption version.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Fix the file may not save.਍ഀ 2. Fix the file name may be display the wrong braille code.਍ഀ 3. Fix the wrong Braille Code of the Turkey.਍ഀ 4. Fix the bug of may can't open some files.਍ഀ 5. Change the voice version bin file name.਍ഀ 6. Hold down the following buttons will move the cursor continuously until you release them: ਍ഀ Left Button, Right Button, Joystick Left, Joystick Right, Joystick Up, Joystick Down.਍ഀ 7. Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.035 - Sept. 30, 2015਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.035਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Modify the power manager and the beep sound.਍ഀ 2. Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.034 - Sept. 23, 2015਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.034਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add auto save the editing file when the power is very lower.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Modify the power manager about the charging of the device.਍ഀ 2. Modify the bug of try twice when use bluetooth with screen reader.਍ഀ 3. Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.033 - August 27, 2015਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.033਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ 1. Add speech version in Chinese and USA with seika Notetaker 40.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Modify the power manager when use with the screen readers.਍ഀ 2. Change the shortcut function of bluetooth to "T" in French version.਍ഀ 3. Change of bes file convert to the brl file in Japanese version.਍ഀ 4. Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.032 - June 28, 2015਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.032਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker:਍ഀ ================਍ഀ 1. Add functions when reading Unicode type of Chinese. Left Joystick Up for read from the file head, ਍ഀ Left Joystick Down read from the file end, Right Joystick Up for read previous paragraph, ਍ഀ Right Joystick Down for read the next paragraph.਍ഀ 2. Add three modes for edit and read Chinese: character mode, English word mode and Chinese word mode.਍ഀ 3. Add multi-input function when using the following single button: ਍ഀ Left Button, Right Button, Left Joystick Left, Left Joystick Right, Left Joystick Up, ਍ഀ Left Joystick Down, Right Joystick Left, Right Joystick Right, Right Joystick Up, and Right Joystick Down. ਍ഀ Press and hold the button and it can input one by one continually until you release it.਍ഀ 4. Add function of paste the string which copied from other files in the current edit file.਍ഀ 5. Add function of translate the bes file to the brl file by using space+enter+t (dots2345) in the tree list.਍ഀ 6. Add Belgian and Portuguese version which should use the CS1 .bin file to upgrade.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Modify the function of joystick for Hong King and Taiwan.਍ഀ 2. Modify the 6-dot braille code table of French.਍ഀ 3. Modify the hint of Italy version.਍ഀ 4. Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.031 - March 24, 2015਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.031਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker:਍ഀ ================਍ഀ 1. Add new function keys for scroll the menu or tree list up or down.਍ഀ Space+dot1 scroll up਍ഀ Space+dot4 scroll down਍ഀ 2. Add new function keys for toggle Right-Hand on or off. You should press the following key in the tools ਍ഀ sub-menu for toggle Right-Hand on or off. The default setting is Right-Hand off. This can toggle the ਍ഀ function of Left Button and Right Button.਍ഀ Space+dots456 toggle Right-Hand on or off਍ഀ 3. Add shortcut for use the scientific calculator. Please refer to the manual for detail.਍ഀ 4. Support read UNICODE-type Chinese character.਍ഀ 5. Add new function key for Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland of China when operate in the notepad or read menu.਍ഀ Space+Backspace+dot1 toggle on or off for display the character.਍ഀ Also, you should use Space+Enter+dot1 for toggle on or off for display the local word. You should toggle off the ਍ഀ display character or local word when display the English word.਍ഀ 6. Support read text of Vietnam.਍ഀ 7. You should use Joystick-Center or Enter when open the file, Joystick-Right can’t open the file any more.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Modify the error hint of Spanish.਍ഀ 2. Modify the bugs of Cut, copy and undo functions.਍ഀ 3. Modify the bug of find folder or file.਍ഀ 4. Modify the sound of beep when there is less power.਍ഀ 5. Modify the read of .bes file.਍ഀ 6. Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.031beta9 - March 4, 2015਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.031beta9਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Seika Notetaker:਍ഀ ================਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Fixed bug when use Seika Notetaker with VoiceOver.਍ഀ 2. Modify the Braill Code error of the Italy.਍ഀ 3. Modify the time and date error of the file and folder.਍ഀ 4. Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.030 - Feb. 7, 2015਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.030਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Seika Notetaker:਍ഀ ================਍ഀ 1. Add new function keys: ress Space+dots236 to select the 8-dot Braille code; ਍ഀ Press Space+dots235 to select the 6-dot Braille code.਍ഀ 2. Supports Turkey and China version.਍ഀ 3. There is no limit for reading text files. It does not support ".bes" file and ਍ഀ UTF-8 format file of Vietnamese.਍ഀ 4. Supports Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 for use USB connect.਍ഀ 5. You can press Space+dots1356 to undo the operate when editing text.਍ഀ 6. You can press Space+dots124 to find the file or folder in the tree list.਍ഀ Press Space+Enter+dots124 to find towards the end and Space+Backspace+dots124 to find towards the top.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.029 - Dec. 12, 2014਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.029਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Seika Notetaker:਍ഀ ================਍ഀ 1. You should use Space+Enter+dots1234 to use the 8 Braille code; ਍ഀ use Space+Backspace+dots1234 to use the 6 Braille code.਍ഀ 2. Add function of display the Chinese character name of directory and file.਍ഀ 3. Add special version for Taiwan.਍ഀ 4. Add function of display the directory and files in alphabetical order.਍ഀ Directory first.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Fixed bug of can't display some directory and files.਍ഀ 2. Fixed bug of Seika6 which can't work with the Screen Reader use the USB cable.਍ഀ Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.028 - Nov. 18, 2014਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.028਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Seika Notetaker:਍ഀ ================਍ഀ 1. You should use Space+Backspace+Enter+dots24 (Space+dots2478) to get more information of ਍ഀ the Seika Device in the Main menu. The information is:਍ഀ 6 or 8 dot Braille Code, beep: on or off, percent of the current power, ਍ഀ the charge state, the USB connect: on or off and the current country.਍ഀ 2. Add the function of cut word for Hong Kong and Taiwan when input local Braille file.਍ഀ You should use Space+Enter+dot1 (Space+dots18) for toggle the cut state on or off.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ 1. Modify the error of 12/24 hour system.਍ഀ 2. Modify the error message of the power manager.਍ഀ 3. Modify the error of hint.਍ഀ 4. You should use Space+dots2345(Space+t) to display the time when you are editing file.਍ഀ 5. Fixed bug of the cursor routing when input text.਍ഀ Fix other bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.027 - Oct. 20, 2014਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.027਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ Modified 8 dot Braille Code for France. Fixed bugs.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.026 - Oct. 9, 2014਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.026਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ Fix bug when input dots which is not in the Braille Code.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.025 - Sept. 26, 2014਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.025਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Seika Notetaker:਍ഀ ================਍ഀ 1. Modify the error hints. Add new hints for Taiwan.਍ഀ 2. Can read .bes file.਍ഀ 3. In the notePad and filemanager Menu, you can create file use Space+dots1345 (Space+n); create directory use ਍ഀ Space+Enter+dots1345 (Space+Enter+n).਍ഀ 4. You can rename the directory in the notePad or filemanager. The maximum characters of name are 8 characters.਍ഀ 5. You can press routing to open the Menu, file or directory.਍ഀ 6. You can use Space+dots13 or Space+LJ_LEFT to fast move back; use Space+dots46 or Space+LJ_RIGHT to fast move forward.਍ഀ 7. You can use Space+dot2 or LJ_LEFT to move to the left word; use Space+dot5 or LJ_RIGHT to move to the right word.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections:਍ഀ ------------਍ഀ Fix some bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ ------਍ഀ Please do not upgrade the version of different name if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.024 - August 26, 2014਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.024਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Seika Notetaker The Basic Version 1.024:਍ഀ =======================਍ഀ 1. Modify the error hints.਍ഀ 2. You can add 10 different bookmarks by press Space+dots134 when you edit or read files. You should recycle ਍ഀ press Space+dots245 to different bookmark. You can get next or go to the previous bookmark by press ਍ഀ Space +dots2458 and Space+dots2457 respectively. When you on the bookmark position you should press Space+dots1458 ਍ഀ to delete it.਍ഀ 3. Add copy, cut and paste function keys. You can operate string in the Notepad menu and file in the File ਍ഀ Management menu.਍ഀ 4. When you are editing files in the Notepad menu, you should use ctrl+dot8 set the beginning of the ਍ഀ string, then press the routing and use ctrl+dot8 set the end of the string, use copy or cut and paste ਍ഀ the string you have selected.਍ഀ 5. You should select one file in the File Management menu and use copy or cut, then go to another ਍ഀ directory, U-Disk or SD-Card and use paste the file you have copy or cut.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Function Keys:਍ഀ Copy: ctrl+dots14਍ഀ Cut: ctrl+dots1346਍ഀ Paste: ctrl+dots1236਍ഀ create: ctrl+dots1345਍ഀ save: ctrl+dots234਍ഀ save as:ctrl+dots2348਍ഀ select string: ctrl+dot8਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ Fix some bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes਍ഀ -----਍ഀ The professional version of Seika Notetaker only supports for the specific country or user. Please do not ਍ഀ upgrade the professional version if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ---------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.023 - August 8, 2014਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.023਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Professional Version 1.023:਍ഀ ===========================਍ഀ 1.You can add 10 different bookmarks by press Space+dots134 when you edit or read files. You should recycle ਍ഀ press Space+dots245 to different bookmark. You can get next or go to the previous bookmark by press ਍ഀ Space +dots2458 and Space+dots2457 respectively. When you on the bookmark position you should press Space+dots1458 ਍ഀ to delete it.਍ഀ 2.Supports scientific calculator. Support the following execution: exp(x), ln(x), log10(x), sqrt(x), cbrt(x), ਍ഀ sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), pow(x,y). ਍ഀ If you want to get the result of: 12+sin(2-8), you should press '1','2','+' one by one firstly. For the sine ਍ഀ function, you should press 's', 'i', 'n' in turn, after that, you should press left bracket('('),then, press ਍ഀ '2',minus('-'),'8' in turn, don't forget to input right bracket(')').At last, press the Enter button, you will ਍ഀ get the equation including the result: 12+sin(2-8)=11.720585.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Seika Notetaker v1.023:਍ഀ =======================਍ഀ 1.Add 4 function keys for auto scroll: ਍ഀ speed up: LJ_RIGHT, RJ_RIGHT. speed down: LJ_LEFT, RJ_LEFT.਍ഀ You should press Space+dots15 or Enter when you quite auto scroll.਍ഀ 2.You can Save As the current editing or reading file to the different folder, which can be in the sd-card or u-disk.਍ഀ You should press Space+dots2348 to execute Save As, and use Enter and Joystick to chose folder, ਍ഀ which can be in the sd-card or u-disk, then press Space+dots2348 again to conform the Save As execution.਍ഀ 3.Updates hints of Croatia.਍ഀ 4.You should mute Seika Notetaker by press Space+dots134 (Space+M) in the tools menu.਍ഀ 5.You can get the current position of the editing or reading file by press Space+dots123456.਍ഀ 6.Seika Notetaker can remember the cursor and current position of the file when you quit from it.਍ഀ 7.Supports mini16, mini24 and Seika6.਍ഀ 8.add new hotkeys: space+backspace+f for find previous, space+enter+f for find next.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ Fix some bugs and optimize the user experience.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes਍ഀ -----਍ഀ The professional version of Seika Notetaker only supports for the specific country or user. Please do not ਍ഀ upgrade the professional version if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ---------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.022- July 8, 2014਍ഀ Version 1.022਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Professional Version:਍ഀ =====================਍ഀ 1. Add copy, cut and paste function keys. You can operate string in the Notepad menu and file in the File ਍ഀ Management menu.਍ഀ 2. You can create file in the Notepad menu, create directory in the File Management menu.਍ഀ 3. You can save the document when you are writing, save as another file in another directory also ਍ഀ supported.਍ഀ 4. When you are editing files in the Notepad menu, you should use ctrl+dot8 set the beginning of the ਍ഀ string, then press the routing and use ctrl+dot8 set the end of the string, use copy or cut and paste ਍ഀ the string you have selected.਍ഀ 5. You should select one file in the File Management menu and use copy or cut, then go to another ਍ഀ directory, U-Disk or SD-Card and use paste the file you have copy or cut.਍ഀ Function Keys:਍ഀ Copy: ctrl+dots14਍ഀ Cut: ctrl+dots1346਍ഀ Paste: ctrl+dots1236਍ഀ create: ctrl+dots1345਍ഀ save: ctrl+dots234਍ഀ save as:ctrl+dots2348਍ഀ select string: ctrl+dot8਍ഀ go to the beginning or ending of the selected string: ctrl+dots78਍ഀ ਍ഀ mini v1.022:਍ഀ ============਍ഀ 1. The mini will remember the following user settings: uses dot6 or dot8, auto reading speed, English ਍ഀ Grade 2 setting.਍ഀ 2. The mini will prompt sound when there is no operation can execute. You also can disable sound use ਍ഀ ctrl+dots134.਍ഀ 3. You can get the current position when you are reading or writing files use ctrl+dots123456.਍ഀ 4. You can restore settings use ctrl+dots1235 in the Tools menu.਍ഀ 5. You can go to the position of current cursor use ctrl+dots1235 when you edit files in the Notepad menu.਍ഀ 6. You can go into or go out of the one menu position use Joystick-Right or Joystick-Left respectively.਍ഀ 7. In the calculator, you should input all the two numbers and operator then press Enter to get the ਍ഀ result.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ Fix some bugs and optimize the user experience. Fix clock bugs.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notes਍ഀ -----਍ഀ The professional version of Mini Seika only supports for the specific country or user. Please do not ਍ഀ upgrade the professional version if it does not match you.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ---------------਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.021- March 14, 2014਍ഀ Version 1.021਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Add new key function for mute the miniSeika: space+dots134. Fix some bugs.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ -------------------------਍ഀ In French, add new key function for VoiceOver. Use space+dots1234567 toggle on or off to use਍ഀ joystick up or down to scroll page in iBooks app.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.020- March 7, 2014਍ഀ Version 1.020਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Transfer files between computers and Mini Seika.(Only for Professional version)਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.019- December 26, 2013਍ഀ Version 1.019਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ In Notepad mode, you can copy and paste the contents of the file.(Only for Professional version)਍ഀ Add Scientific Calculator.(Only for Professional version)਍ഀ Add a faster speed for the auto scrolling. ਍ഀ Remove the power display hint "please charge".਍ഀ In Notepad,add a Beep when arrived to the tail of a file.਍ഀ Switching between 6 DOT display mode and 8 DOT display mode.਍ഀ Added Spanish menu.਍ഀ By input the file name first letter to quickly locate file in the files list.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ In Taiwan and Hong Kong Unicode file read mode can auto scrolling.਍ഀ Added Japanese version version.਍ഀ Correct BUG of the BES file read.਍ഀ Correct the the hint error of Japanese version.਍ഀ Correct the Calculator Decimal error.਍ഀ Correct Some characters can not be entered, or does not correspond to the input and display.਍ഀ Correct Full power alarm.਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.018- Sept 26, 2013਍ഀ Version 1.018਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Added the Taiwan menu. Add Taiwan and HongKong unicode file read mode.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.017- Auguest 30, 2013਍ഀ Version 1.017਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ Added the Vietnamese menu.਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections ਍ഀ When you do a find,it will not switch into 8 dot Braille mode.਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.016- Auguest 23, 2013਍ഀ Version 1.016਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ Search function is not case-sensitive.਍ഀ Modified the of the hint error Japanese version.਍ഀ In notepad and read ,It will be the default display six DOT Braille in "BRL"file.਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.015- Auguest 01, 2013਍ഀ Version 1.015਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ Added the Hong Kong Chinese menu.਍ഀ Added the Japanese menu.਍ഀ In the French version and the Italian version,modify the usage of the main menu shortcuts.਍ഀ In French version the"save? yes no"Modified to"Sauver? O N A".਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections ਍ഀ Correct switch different countries version bug. ਍ഀ Correct bugs in notepad can not find, save fails, jump by sentence and some other issues.਍ഀ Solve unexpected restart bug.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.014- May 16, 2013਍ഀ Version 1.013਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ Modified Italian and Norway version date display format.਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ Correction "Language setup menu is displayed incorrect" error.਍ഀ Correction "in some language versions,the representation of Files and folders is wrong".਍ഀ Correction "In Norway Version,In read mode,do not open the file".਍ഀ Modified the of the hint error Italian version.਍ഀ Modified "in the version 1.013, shortcut keys do not work in filemangage function".਍ഀ ਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.013- April 28, 2013਍ഀ Version 1.013਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Added the Norway version.਍ഀ Optimize the bookmark manager.਍ഀ In Notepad, you can edit the files in the U disk.਍ഀ In filemanage,you can manage the files in the U disk.਍ഀ In read fuction,can Find a word,jump by chapter,etc.਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ Modify the maximum sleep time is 30 minutes.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.012- February 26, 2013਍ഀ Version 1.012਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ Added the Croatian version.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.011- January 30, 2013਍ഀ Version 1.011਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ 1、The new file extension is automatically added by miniseika.਍ഀ 2、When turned the miniseika, you can direct connection and a computer or mobile phone by bluetooth or USB cable.਍ഀ 3、Miniseika deep sleep is changed to 5h,after 1h help the user save the file and return to the main menu.਍ഀ 4、High voltage sleeping time is adjustable.਍ഀ 5、Add the menu prompt of Arab etc. countries.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1、Correct the reading mode,automatically scroll does not work.਍ഀ 2、Correct Itlian and Germany Version. ਍ഀ 3、Solve the problem of “help” file failing to open.਍ഀ 4、Correct the unreadable codes often occurring in the first character when “press the next sentence”.਍ഀ 5、Correct others countries file names only being inputted six characters except for United States.਍ഀ 6、Correct in some cases, In calculator mode, the "+ -" not working.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.010- October 03, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.010਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.010".਍ഀ 2, File name can not have a "/ \: *?" <> | ". ਍ഀ The frist word of the file name can not be"."਍ഀ 3、An increase of four input prompt:਍ഀ input find text (please input find text )਍ഀ save ok (save ok ) ਍ഀ input f name.ext( please input file name.ext)਍ഀ input d name ( please input folder name)਍ഀ ਍ഀ 4、French hint to do some optimization, the French code table update.਍ഀ 5、The cursor keys can open the file.਍ഀ 6、Add German version.਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ Correction usb connection mode error਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.009- September 03, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.009਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.009".਍ഀ 2, Menus are confusing.਍ഀ 3, In notepad mode, few characters don't display exactly.਍ഀ 4, In clock mode, sub-menus' prefix are not the same. ਍ഀ (Note: This upgrade is only for the French version.)਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.008- August 27, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.008਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.008".਍ഀ 2, In notepad mode, It will probably lose cursor when you are editing file. Then the process will be wrong.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.007- August 03, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.007਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ 1, Some Hints have cursor, for example, the hint "save file? y n c",਍ഀ you can use cursor key or input Braille y/n/c to enter corresponding function.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.007".਍ഀ 2, In usb connect and bluetooth mode, you can press Ctrl+q key to exit if it doesn't connect Screen reading software.਍ഀ 3, In clock mode, cl>set date format is from d>** m>** y>** to d** m** y**.਍ഀ 4, In notepad mode,” Cursor goes beginning of previous sentence”,” Cursor goes beginning of next sentence",਍ഀ "Cursor goes beginning of current sentence”, their shortcut keys are Dot1+Space, Dot4+Space and Dot14+Space.਍ഀ 5, In read mode, it will save the location of reading automatically when you close the file.਍ഀ 6, In notepad mode, Dot8 can not achieve Enter function when you find character string or input file name.਍ഀ 7, Mini Seika can not display exact menu when you switch language.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.006- June 20, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.006਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ 1, Mini Seika support Korean਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.006".਍ഀ 2, In notepad mode, Mini Seika will display "ERROR" when you new a file and save it.਍ഀ 3, In notepad mode, the file will probably be added some unexpected content when you open and edit it again.਍ഀ 4, In clock mode, Mini Seika will be wrong when you set time and date.਍ഀ 5, In notepad mode, cursor may disappear when you press Backspace key.਍ഀ 6, Some shortcuts were modified, for example,9 is Sapce,A is Sapce,9A also is Space,and so on,਍ഀ you can read the manual for more information.਍ഀ ਍ഀ (Note: The Korean version only released in Korea.) ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.005- June 06, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.005਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the sleep time can be set in "tls>set sleep" Submenu.਍ഀ 2, Mini Seika support Arabic.਍ഀ 3, Mini Seika support Chinese.਍ഀ 4, In main menu, you can press Backspace+Space+Dot123456 combination key to update library of Chinese.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.005".਍ഀ 2, In notepad mode, it doesn't go to the file end when you press Space+LJ_Down key.਍ഀ 3, In Tools mode, tls>power menu, you can press ESC key to exit displaying power.਍ഀ ਍ഀ (Note: The Chinese version only released in China).਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.004- March 14, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.004਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.004".਍ഀ 2, In notepad mode, Mini Seika may be wrong when you pressed cursor button.਍ഀ 3, In notepad mode, you can press Esc key to exit displaying time.਍ഀ 4, In calculator mode,Mini Seika doesn't input radix point.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.003- March 06, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.003਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.003".਍ഀ 2, In calculator mode, Mini Seika has only four functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.਍ഀ The number is displayed on the left side of cell.਍ഀ 3, In notepad mode, Mini Seika finds tag may be wrong.਍ഀ 4, In notepad mode, Mini Seika may be wrong when you press backspace key.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.002- February 23, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.002਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ 1, In clock mode, the time format can be set to 12-hour or 24-hour.The default is 12-hour.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.002".਍ഀ 2, In notepad mode, when you press Space+n (1345A) to new a file or press Space+a (1A) to save as a file, Press Space+s (234A) to save the file in the current folder, ਍ഀ After you input the new file name, and press Enter key, you will go back to continue to edit the current file.਍ഀ If you want to save a new file under a different folder, please choose folder before save, to do this, in edit file mode, ਍ഀ You can press Backspace+f (1249) to go to files and folders list tree (when you power on the Mini, the default working folder is in the root directory). ਍ഀ In the tree, you can also press Space+n (1345A) to create a new folder. You can press Space+e (15A) to continue to edit file.਍ഀ 3, In read and notepad mode,Mini seika may be wrong when you read content of the file.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Release Dates਍ഀ -------------਍ഀ Mini Seika v1.001- February 19, 2012਍ഀ ਍ഀ Version 1.001਍ഀ ਍ഀ New features/Enhancements਍ഀ ------------------------- ਍ഀ 1, In read mode, mini seika has tag function, which is similar notepad mode.਍ഀ 2, Two navigation joysticks have same function, in addition to notepad edit mode.਍ഀ 3, Mini Seika will return to previous menu or sub-directory level if you pressed backspace button.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Corrections਍ഀ ——————਍ഀ 1, In tools mode, the tls>about mode will display "v1.001".਍ഀ 2, In notepad mode, mini Seika doesn't display current Sub-directory or file name when it return to previous sub- ਍ഀ directory level.਍ഀ 3, In notepad mode,"Cursor goes beginning of paragraph","Cursor goes end of paragraph",਍ഀ "Cursor goes beginning of previous paragraph”,” Cursor goes beginning of next paragraph",਍ഀ "Cursor goes beginning of document" and "Cursor goes end of document" may be wrong.਍ഀ 4, 8 dots inputting is changed to 6 dots when rename/new/save file or folder.਍ഀ 5, In notepad mode, cursor goes to last letter is changed to first letter of word ਍ഀ When you press "previous word" button.਍ഀ 6, The MINI.BIN updating file name is changed to indicate version number. For example,਍ഀ if the version number is v1.001, the updating file name is MINI1001.BIN.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ